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Chilly Pepper Gets Support from Equiderma

Equiderma, an online provider of quality horse care products, states on their website they donate at least 1% of every online sale to helping neglected horses. They recently learned of Chilly Pepper and the amazing work that Palomino Armstrong does. In response, the sent this letter to their customers:

Dear Equiderma Family,

I am writing this with a heaviness of heart and tears in my eyes. I hope you will take the time to read it. Through a recent conversation with a veterinarian/customer of ours I learned of the plight of Chilly Pepper Miracle Mustang Rescue and the mustang foals in their care. I know many of you would rather not know of this ugliness and I am sorry if this email offends any one of you.

As you know we were originally going to donate to a different rescue this month but I have decided to give our donation to a more immediate need. The mustang foals at Chilly Pepper Miracle Mustang instead. If any of you have a problem with this please contact me directly at -

Chilly Pepper's area of focus is rescuing mustang foals whose mothers have been a part of the round up of wild horses headed DIRECTLY to slaughter - Many of these mares have foals by their side. Thankfully, regulations prevent these babies from being added to the slaughter trucks - and that's where Chilly Pepper and Palomino Armstrong, director of Chilly Pepper (yes, that's her name) come in. Without her intervention these babies would be left behind without care or concern for their fate. Imagine the horror mares - ripped from their babies - loaded on a truck and whisked away without thought for the foal by her side. Left alone to fend for itself. Death is certain.

Chilly Pepper is in immediate need of shelter and other supplies for the new foals brought in from the ongoing round up of mustangs. Equiderma wants to help and that's where you come in.

I just got off the phone with Palomino. That conversation will keep tears in my eyes for days to come. The anger I feel when I consider of the horse's contribution to the advancement of man kind and the lack of respect they get is huge. That there are people making a living off the slaughter of our wild horses and the fact that our government allows it is mind blowingly, unacceptable. The frustration I feel that I cannot do more to help groups like this is overwhelming. As Equiderma grows we will do more... I realize that animal and human suffering goes on all around us. Deciding who to help is daunting. For me, it is who God sends me. I made a promise 25 years ago that I would help whatever animal is sent my way. Chilly Pepper has been sent to my heart and now to yours. I hope you will help if you can and also share this email to bring awareness to others of their plight.

Today I learned that of the 150,000 US horses sent to slaughter every year, 80% of them are wild mustangs. These mustangs are highly prized because their meat is considered "organic". We have all heard of the mustang round ups, but many of us never stopped to imagine what happens to their foals. Today I got an up close and heart wrenching report of that.

Helping horses is Equiderma's purpose and I cannot turn a blind eye knowing of the cruelty America's wild horses and their babies face. Equiderma is not about selling products - There is a much loftier goal behind it. Equiderma is a means to an end. That end is to help horses everywhere, however we can.

The letter below explains the immediate need. It is my earnest hope that you will join with me to help. 10% of our sales this month will go directly to these foals. We will be sending them a check every 7 days.

Whether you choose to donate directly to them or through re-stocking your Equiderma supplies - please help in some way, if you can. From Palomino Armstrong - on the front lines helping these babies -

Bethany,"The new nursery is NOT set up. There are only a few panels and no shelter. Right now the winds are blowing 40 miles an hour and we need to save the rest of the babies and set up a new nursery. The normal round up season should be over, but they continue to round up these beautiful souls, non-stop, which means more orphaned foals. The new nursery was not supposed to be open yet, but babies do not come at our convenience, and this is an emergency situation. These babies have been through more horror than any horse should see in a lifetime. Some of them are only a month or two old. We had hoped to be able to slowly raise funds and make ready for next springs round up - However, the round ups continue and so do the babies.This is so overwhelming. I have been told "you can just say no". No, I can't. It is not in me. When I look at a baby who is innocent, terrified, starving I can't say let it die, because it came at inconvenient time. Knowing their beautiful mothers are literally on a truck, on their way to a horrific and painful death, the least I can do in honor them and provide a home and love for their babies. I cannot say no their orphans. We can purchase, insulate and prepare a nursery building similar to the ones we use in Nevada for our nursery and critical care units, for about $3000. That would enable us to set it up exactly as it should be. The weather is changing fast and it is critical that we have the proper facilities so we can provide the care they need.WE ARE ASKING FOR YOUR HELP FROM THE FRONT LINES. Each of us can make a difference for these innocent souls. We thank all of you who donate, send your prayers, and share this information. You are part of our Chilly Pepper Family. We will do the hard work if we have the funding".



I send this letter with utmost respect to all. No matter where you stand on the issue of horse slaughter or the plight of America's wild horses, if this touches your heart like it did mine, and you are able to help, please do. I send this to - with a prayer - For a world where compassionate hearts are not in such short supply. Every act of kindness gets us a little closer to a world of where no broken heart is left unaided. Faithfully Yours, Bethany Padgett

Check out the Equiderma website at


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