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Update from Palomino in Lantry, SD

As I sit here typing, the winds are howling. We have been working in pretty much blizzard conditions, with a wind chill well under 0. It is 3 degrees with the temperature at -20 with the wind chill at this time. More snow is expected in the next few days with even colder temperatures. At this point Chilly Pepper will have pulled 41 horses, thanks to all the wonderful folks who are helping us save these horses. We are heading out on Friday with the first two trailer loads. With the severity of the weather conditions, we cannot safely sort for the next few days. More snow is expected and it is too icy for sorting. So we will head home and take care of a weather emergency at our own rescue, get the first batch of horses all set up and head back to South Dakota. While enduring the stress of trying to save as many horses as we possibly can, while fighting through horrific weather, ice underfoot and slipping horses, God sent us another Angel. Because of her generous heart, we are able to bring the above mentioned horses home. Many of them are special needs, with many blind horses in the mix. This is part of what she told us in her email. "Many non-profits encourage people to donate to a charity instead of buying gifts. Personally, I'm going to ask my friends and family that plan on buying my husband and/or I a gift to donate to your rescue. _ SAVE A LIFE FOR CHRISTMAS!_ You might also include... East Coast donor willing to give up to $10,000 to save Wild 800 Wild Horses! Matching dollar for dollar!" I liked what she wrote, so I asked her if I could use it. Many of the horses we are bringing home are special needs, and all of them would have been first in line to be sent down the "dead end road".... We are hoping we can get some sponsors for some of the blind ones. They deserve a wonderful life and since we already have to have a "blind horse playpen" for Shadow, it seemed like the right thing to do. We also have 12 Stallions, with one of them being blind as a bat, and another with a pretty tough medical issue with his leg. But critical care is what we do, so they are coming home for all the love and care we can provide. I know so many folks have already donated and we are so blessed to be able to save these horses. However, when an Angel steps up and offers to match up to $10,000, well you can be sure I am putting it out there. God bless and please send prayers for safe travel. Please keep praying for safety, strength, warmer weather and a miracle. I know miracles can happen, and we truly need one. If you want to help You can go to You Caring - to help us keep saving lives and to give Shadow the life she deserves. You can go to Paypal - or go to if you would like to help these horses. You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang, P.O. Box 190 Golconda, NV 89414 You can also donate via credit card by calling Palomino at 530-339-1458. ** NO MATTER HOW BIG OR HOW SMALL WE SAVE THEM ALL! SAVING GOD'S CRITTERS - FOUR FEET AT A TIME

© 2016 by Let'em Run Foundation

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