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The Let 'em Run Foundation operates solely through the help and generosity of our unpaid staff and volunteers, our benefactors, fundraising, benefit concerts, grants, and charitable individuals and organizations. With an average rescued horse or burro costing almost $4,000 a year to feed and care for, we expend all our financial resources to attend to the hundreds of horses and burros we save each year.  
It is only through your financial support that we can continue to save the wild horses and burros for future generations to enjoy.  Any help you can render will be greatly appreciated.
Our EIN is 88-0425547
Help Save The Horses!
Donate directly to Let 'em Run using Paypal or your Credit Card with this link
Shop on using this link, and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to the Foundation 
Designate Let 'em Run Foundation as your favorite charity on eBay, and buyers and sellers can donate a portion of any purchase to the Foundation

© 2016 by Let'em Run Foundation

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