About Let'em Run Foundation
The Let 'em Run Foundation is a strictly volunteer organization engaged in protecting and preserving one of America's greatest native inhabitants; the wild horse, who is now known to have originated in Northern Nevada. We work tirelessly to insure the survival of these majectic creatures for generations to come.
Our Foundation

The Let 'em Run Foundation was founded in April 1999 by internationally acclaimed country and western recording star, Lacy J. Dalton, and received its 501(c)(3) certification from the Internal Revenue Service in February 2004. Since that time, the Foundation has been devoted to the survival of America's wild horses and burros.
Mission Statement

Board of Directors

The Let 'em Run Foundation has a six (6) person uncompensated Board of Directors consisting of Lacy J. Dalton, President, Robert A. Steiner, Secretary, Leslie K. Adams, Treasurer, Terry D. House, Director, Regina A. Stephenson, Director, and Jean Marie Webster, Director.

To serve as an educational, fund-raising and public relations entity, through its own efforts and in assisting similar non-profit organizations, to save, preserve, protect and maintain the wild horse, estray horse, and mustang population of Nevada and other species of endangered or mistreated animals. To accomplish its goals by means of educational seminars, entertainment appearances, musical recordings, special events, and public and media appearances. To provide or assist in fencing, veterinary care, relocation, protection, and improvement in habitat, adoption programs, and other projects to further its goals. To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
The Foundation operates solely through the help and generosity of the men and women who donate their time, energy, and money in support of the organization and on the behalf of the wild horses. Please contact us to volunteer!